+880 1819 20 20 56

Oral Surgery

The thought of any tooth surgery can be frightening. Fortunately, most of our surgical procedures are conducted under conscious sedation. The purpose is to place our patients in a relaxed state prior to their dental procedure. In comparison to general anesthesia however, the patient remains sleepy yet conscious. It is highly recommended that the patients should be accompanied with an attendant.

We have a highly specialized team and facility to perform a wide range of surgical procedures:

Removal of impacted third molars (wisdom teeth)

Wisdom teeth can cause infection, crowding, or decay in your mouth and are not integral to the structure of your mouth. We may suggest that you have them removed if we believe they pose a potential risk to your oral health. Removal is safe, painless, and effective.

Removal of painful gum overlying the third molar (operculectomy)

If the flap of gum overlying the wisdom tooth (the operculum) is infected / inflamed (pericoronitis) due to accumulation of food debris, then this can be a very painful situation that requires the excessive gum to be removed. The removal is safe and painless.

Removal of retained or broken roots and fractured teeth

Fractured teeth and broken roots provide pathway for micro-organism to sieve their way into the bones, teeth and surrounding area. This may lead to painful inflammation or infection down the line. Unless the crown can be restored, having them removed before they become painful is highly recommended.

Apicectomy and retrograde root canal treatment (for treating infection around teeth)

Fractured teeth and broken roots provide pathway for micro-organism to sieve their way into the bones, teeth and surrounding area. This may lead to painful inflammation or infection down the line. Unless the crown can be restored, having them removed before they become painful is highly recommended.

Exposure/removal of impacted teeth prior to orthodontic treatment.

Teeth hidden within the gums or jaws are a very common phenomenon in dentistry. Some of them require assistance in reaching their designated location and some are hopeless enough to be removed. In either of the cases, the gums and jaws needs to be surgically corrected to help these teeth reach their fate.

Implant-related surgery

In dental implant cases where bone contouring or manipulation has to be done prior to implant placement minor surgery is indicated. Such procedures are discussed with the patients prior to execution.

Bone graft procedures

Any dental procedure that causes bone loss or requires bones to be grafted or replaced can be done for better outcome.


SUNDAY5 pm - 10 pm
MONDAY5 pm - 10 pm
TUESDAY5 pm - 10 pm
WEDNESDAY5 pm - 10 pm
THURSDAY5 pm - 10 pm
FRIDAY By Appointment
SATURDAY5 pm - 10 pm
Note:- We are also available by appointment every morning.